Unemployed by the Coronavirus Pandemic? Take these actions

Unemployed by the Coronavirus pandemic? Over 20 million Americans have been put out of work in the last 6 weeks or so. Unfortunatly the lay offs may continue and we don’t know when this virus will be under control and we can start going back to work. The question is this, how are YOU going to get through this? What actions are you going to take to make yourself more valuable in the marketplace?

How you use your time right now will deterime how you land and how quickly you recover. When the economic engine gets started back up and businesses start hiring, theres likley to be a staggard opening and staggard hiring. This will result in heavy competition as the positions become available. How will you differenciate yourself from the masses?

There will be many who have the “pandemic” gap in their resume, what if you are the only one who shows the potential employer how proactive and productive you’ve been throughout the shutdown? Others will be able to explain exactly what the Tiger King is all about, you’ll be able to show that you are a committed self starter who is driven, autonomous, and hard working.

What if at the top of your resume you listed what you worked on, studied, and accomplished while you were Coronavirus unemployed, here are a few examples;

You owe yourself all you got

Industry specific skill

Honed your computer skills, mcirosoft office skills, project managemet skills, Sales skills, etc. What ever industry you are in, there are task required, pick just one that would make the biggest impact and study it, practice it, perfect it.

Study Industry literature and product data

Become the expert, the go to person in your industry. What ever products, equipment, or material you work with or sell reseacrh it in depth. Go to manufacturers websites and study the specifications, installation instructions, care and maintenance, etc. Chef, cook, or waitress? learn new recipes, restaurant data analytics, study food alergies to better understand your customers as an example.

Read Personal development books

Yes, list a couple a books you read to improve your soft skills, your people skills. In many industries it is those who have the best soft skills that excel. There are many good books out there on the subject but these two are the must reads; The 7 Habits of highly effective people, Steven Covey. How to win Freinds and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

Earn an industry credential

Listing your industry certifications could tip the scales in your favor. It is posible to work in many industries without a credential but earning a credentail lends more credibility to your resume. Earn that Journeymens license, food handlers certification, vendors license, computer certifications, etc.

These are just a few examples. You know your work, what is needed in your industry, take action now for your self improvement. No on is going to come to you, you must take action and make it happen. Pick out what would make the most impact, maybe an area you need to sure up, and pour yourself into it. Put yourself in the best position to succeed on the other side of this pandemic.